Statement of Faith
"To Know Jesus and to Make Jesus Known"
1. We hold the Bible to be without error.
We value Biblical teaching.
We are fixed in our beliefs and flexible in the way we do things.
2. We exist to glorify God in all things. Lifting Jesus higher. And to "increase the health and size of God's church everywhere.
3. We trust the Spirit of God to guide all of our efforts.
4. We pray to God continually, and love to meet together to encourage action faith.
5. We "Know Him" by exalting Him in offering our lives as we seek to increase our worship for Him.
6 "We are actively involved in local and Worldwide mission work.
We seek always to be mission-minded as a church.
We are "a community church with a world-wide vision."
We make Him known by declaring His excellence's to a lost world.
7. We "Make Him Known" by "loving the Lord our God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength, and loving our neighbors as ourselves."
We enjoy our unity and diversity.
We care for one another, and for people outside of the church.
Our Biblical Mandate is summarized in these words; "To Know Jesus and to Make Jesus Known," for by knowing Him we become like Him and learn to love one another in true community. We make Him known not only in our church community but in the wider world also.