What Is Women’s Ministry?

Women’s Ministry here at Hopewell Community Church is a place for women to come and to meet their spiritual needs as Christian Women.  Helping one another to grow their faith in Jesus Christ and to be spiritual mother’s to other women growing in their faith.  We are here to build each other up and to see one another flourish in our relationships with our spouses, children and everyone we come in contact with. 


Why We Exist?

We exist to come alongside women to help them grow in their spiritual walk with the Lord, to be teachers of the word of God and to see each woman fulfill her destiny in Christ.   



We have four opportunities for women’s ministry at Hopewell Community Church.

Training Faithful Women Bible Study meets the first Thursday of each month. Led by Terri Mulberry, we enjoy the fellowship of studying God’s Word together. Bible study sheets, worship, easy fellowship, and great discussions make this time in the Lord profitable for everyone.

The Ladies’ Spring Luncheon occurs each year in April to hear an encouraging word from a special speaker.

Our Christmas Tea is held the first Saturday of December each year. Bring your favorite cup for tea, an optional Pollyanna gift, and a joy for celebrating our Savior together with other women. Girls join us, too, with their Moms for this fun opportunity for a special holiday treat.

The Annual Ladies’ Retreat occurs each fall either at an offsite retreat center or here at Hopewell. Our speakers have encouraged and challenged us over the years.

We continue to grow in ways to minister into the hearts of women. Come join us and let us grow together! 



The Church office with any questions at 610-326-8450