Our Values
1. God has called us to be a fellowship of churches and leaders where we experience committed, life-giving relationships of friendship, nurture, grace, and accountability.
2. The Holy Spirit and his empowering baptism and gifts empower us for ministry. Our mission is to do the works of Jesus in his power and strength.
3. We embrace the Scriptures as the inspired, infallible, and inerrant authority of God in our lives and churches.
4. Relevant Bible teaching, inspiring worship, prayer, and discipleship are foundational blocks to our Network.
5. An apostolic leader and team provide leadership and oversight to the Network.
6. Oversight is accorded primarily to the Senior Pastor. The Senior Pastor oversees the local church elders and vision. Strong healthy pastors and elders produce healthy growing churches.
7. The Network credentials Senior Pastors and the local church credentials pastoral staff. Five-fold and trans-local ministers can be credentialed either by the local church or the Network. Credentialed leaders are invited to participate in the fellowship of the Network.
8. Each local church functions with an Elder Team to help the Pastor discern and lead.
9. Each member of the local church is seen as one who can potentially minister, and is encouraged to be trained in the use of his or her gifts to serve. We encourage involvement in small groups as a plkace for discipleship and outreach.
10. Each church functions with a similar form of New Testament church government, bylaws, and statement of faith.
11. Senior Pastors express their commitment and support through their regular participation in Network gatherings, and their faithful tithe to the Network.
12. God has called us to be evangelistic, both in our local communities and in global missions. This is the primary focus of our Network. We encourage our churches to participate in regional evangelistic efforts with other churches in their communities.
13. We encourage each church to promote a church planting vision.
14. We encourage each church to have an inter-generational focus that calls forth and equips children, youth, and young adults.
15. God has called us to a ministry of healing broken and hurting people within the body of Christ. This includes praying for the sick, deliverance, and ministry to the poor.
16. We have a vision to see leaders raised up and trained in both Scripture and ministry skills.